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Wagon House Museum ~ Room 2

Wagon House Museum ~ Room 2

This Wagon House Museum displays the machinery of the early market gardeners, tractors and a truck, and equipment from the early local dairies, which have been donated by our local community.

Much of the machinery was hand-made to serve a specific purpose.

This Museum also features domestic utensils and appliances from c.1900s.


Original Victa rotary lawn mower c.1940. ~ Donated by <a href="">Lakeside Mowers.</a>
Assorted kitchen accessories, including Enamel jug c.1940’s and Pressure fruit cooker c.1930’s.
A range of tools, used by the local market gardeners and tradesmen of the area in the 1900’s.
Tractors, including Twin M M City c.1930, Farmall c.1948 and Fordson c.1923.
Austin tip truck, used for Council rubbish collection c.1939-1949.
A range of dairy equipment, including Milk separators and milk and butter churns.
Simpson wringer washing machine c.1950.
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