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Pioneer Room

Pioneer Room

Originally the Dining Room and now housing the archaeological explorations of Shane Burke, from diggings undertaken at ‘Peel Town’, displaying materials these pioneers, brought from England nearly 200 years ago.

This room also displays some of the first furniture to arrive in the new colony, belonging to Captain Armstrong, and arriving aboard the Gilmore in 1829.

Some of the artefacts reflect travelling, writing and seafaring equipment, and early musical instruments.


Various artifacts from the Peel Town Archaeology Project, including sewing artifacts, crockery and a Tin Cash Box.
A range of smoking paraphernalia, including Tobacco tins, Match cases, Cigarette rollers and Pipes.
Pedal organ, powered by foot operated bellows. Purchased in 1978 by the Shire of Cockburn. ~ Donated by the City of Cockburn.
Harmonium, bought to the Swan River Colony by Captain Adam Armstrong on the S.S. Gilmore in 1829. ~ Donated by Mrs. J. Ingram.


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