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Gilmore Room

Gilmore Room

Named for the ship bringing the early settlers to this area in 1829 together with the Hooghly and Rockingham in 1830, this room houses equipment showing early technology of music, film, cameras, typewriters, and textile industries.

The books on display reflect the fact that Azelia appreciated literature and had a substantial library in what is now the kitchen.

This room also displays an historical mosaic depicting the heritage of the estate, created by the Jobswest team commissioned by the City of Cockburn.


Mosaic, created by participants of the federal government’s ‘Work for the dole’ scheme. ~ Donated by the City of Cockburn.
Embroidered tablecloth, created c.1945 by Mrs. Winfield to raise funds in aid of the Red Cross. ~ Donated by the City of Cockburn.
A range of cameras dating back to c.1930. ~ Donated by Mrs. Diprose, Mrs. Joan White, Logan Howlett and others.
Azelia Ley was a well-read woman and had her own Library here, in the room that is now the Museum kitchen.


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