Derbal Nara Website

On 27 May 2014, Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute (CUSP) launched the Nyungar Wardan Katitjin Bidi – Derbal Nara Website.
The aim of the website is to:
- Present Aboriginal values and knowledge about living on the coast, or Wardan Gepa Boodjaralup, to the wider community.
- Highlight Aboriginal principles of sustainability and understandings of the history and uses of the coast.
- Provide an Aboriginal contribution to local and regional coastal planning and strategic development.
- Build capacity to link the local Nyungar dreamtime narratives with new approaches to research, education and training in order to support joint coastal management.
Visit the website and go for a walk down to the Wardan Gepa Boodjaralup at Derbal Nara – the sea shore at Cockburn Sound and be lead along a katitjin bidi – a knowledge trail.