Bibra Lake AWAS Camp. Part 1

Did you know that a women’s WWII camp existed on the banks of Bibra Lake?
The Bibra Lake Resident’s Association recently discovered this information in We Answered The Call by Eileen (Reilly) Tucker.
If you or a relative were involved with the women’s WWII camp, please let us know by contacting us or commenting below, we would love to hear about your or their experiences.
See also:
See some excerpts form the book. [ – 5.6Mb]
Hello, My name is Lesley Hone. I’ve just seen a segment on GWN/Channel 7 news about the WW2 Women’s camp at Bibra Lakes.
My mother Ruby Hone (nee Tranter) was stationed there during the war. She was in signals and was a truck driver, driving all the linesmen around between Jandakot, Bibra Lakes and Cable Beach (near Leighton). As you would know there was a base at Buckland Hill. Mum was stationed on Rottnest Island for a long while also.
Mum is still alive, one of the few in her group and I would love it if she was able to recount some of her stories and have them recorded for the history of these women. These women did a wonderful job and have received very little recognition. Mum married just near the end of the war so on some of the records she is listed as Ruby Tranter and some as Ruby Hone.
Thank you and I very much look forward to hearing from you.
Hey Lesley,
Thanks you very much for your information. I have forwarded it on to Christine at the Bibra Lake Residents Association.
I’m sure that she will be in contact with you very soon.
MY father told me that his signal unit did some of their training here before heading to Queensland and then on to Milne Bay. He was with 11 Div Sigs.
I believe that the Roe 8 ext will go through the old camp area. Sad that there is no mention of the camp near the site as this unit were one of the units to be the first to have a victory over the Japanese in WW2
Hey Rick,
Thank you for your information. I believe that the Cockburn Council has applied to have the site heritage listed, which would prevent Roe 8 from squashing it.
I have forwarded your info on to Christine at the Bibra Lake Residents Association, who will no doubt be in contact with you very soon.
The Bibra Lake Residents Association have asked Cockburn Council to recognise and preserve this area as a heritage site.
Hey Felipe,
Yes, the Cockburn Council has applied to have the site heritage listed, which will be excellent if it happens.